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Fern Leaves

A Lot of Loss from Logging in Koala Habitat is Not Ok

Writer: SupernaturegirlSupernaturegirl

The Pine Creek State Forest is home to the highest density in the region of wild koalas within a state forest. Clear-felling is taking away their needed home.

koala habitat

Koalas are listed as 'endangered' under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. There are also other forest-dependent species who live in these forests.

The loss of koala habitat from logging has been a growing concern in Pine Creek State Forest, New South Wales, Australia. The koalas who call this area home are the ones who remarkably survived the devastating 2019/2020 Black Summer bushfires. Now, clear-fell logging by the Forestry Corporation of NSW is the next threat these amazing creatures have to face for existing in today's world of sacrificing innocent and irreplaceable life for irresponsible short-term gain.

The koala's forests have been divided into compartments. The 14th compartment was cleared this past November. The obvious and known result was displacing the koalas. Clear-felling compartments 15 through 18 is set to occur this year. Take a heart-breaking look at what "Compartment 14" looked like with the 1-min video below.

There is a Forest Bridge proposal that seeks to permanently conserve a critical area of public State Forest as a wildlife corridor. This protected land would secure a land bridge for native terrestrial and arboreal wildlife to safely move east to west, and from sea level on the Pacific Coast to over 1500m altitude in the nearby National Parks. The corridor will become even more important in mitigating the effects of a warming climate. Let's decide that our world needs koalas, forests, and natural areas.

Add your name to this petition calling on the region’s Premiers to cut the destruction, move forward with the Forest Bridge, and leave the trees for the koalas:


Find more information on Friends of Pine Creek here:

Take extra koala action by sending letters and emails to leaders. All the contact information and sample content can be found here:


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