Did you know there is still one place on our amazing planet where tigers, elephants, rhinos, and orangutans all share the same habitat?
This is the Leuser Ecosystem, the rainforest in the Beutong district of Indonesia and the last great rainforest of Southeast Asia. An area known for its astounding biodiversity and the 2,800-meter Singgah Mata mountain. Millions rely on the Leuser Ecosystem for their clean air, water, flood protection, irrigation, medicines, and livelihoods. All of this is threatened by deforestation, palm oil expansion, and a series of proposed gold mines.

Local residents and environmentalists have spent years trying to ward off 1 gold mine. In 2021, the Indonesian Supreme Court finally withdrew this company’s permit. Now another gold mining company is doing the same. If they are granted a permit, 3,300 hectares of the proposed mine will be in the rainforest district. Broad international support is needed and requested to stop this destruction and protect the valley teeming with life at the foot of Mount Singgah Mata. Please add your name to help protect this precious piece of our shared natural world.
The Leuser Ecosystem provides habitat for at least:
105 different mammal species ( 2% of all global mammal species)
382 bird species
95 reptile and amphibian species
8,500 species of plants
Sign another petition telling companies like Colgate-Palmolive, Kao, Mars, Mondelēz, Nestlé, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, Ferrero, and Unilever to cut ties to conflict palm oil and stop the deforestation in the Leuser Ecosystem!
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